The IBM PowerHA pureScale server provides centralized lock management services, a centralized global cache for data pages ( known as the group buffer pool), and more. IBMPowerHApureScale服务器提供集中式锁管理服务、用于数据页的集中式全局缓存(也称组缓冲池)等等。
It is just as efficient for any member in the cluster to receive a data page from the global buffer pool, regardless of the size of the cluster. 无论集群大小如何,集群中的任何成员只需从全局缓冲池接收数据页。
The is_dumping global variable is used to stop other threads from changing the contents of the buffer once a signal has been received to dump data. 一旦接收到了转储数据的信号,将使用isdumping全局变量禁止其他的线程更改该缓冲区的内容。
We implement layered caching mechanism ( global disk caching and memory caching) using dynamic sharing running memory buffer algorithm to support more stable and real-time parallel streams; 采用动态共享运行缓冲区算法实现了分层缓存机制(全局磁盘缓存和内存缓存)以支持更多稳定、实时的并发流;
By reasonably using the special resources in FPGA, such as DCMs ( Digital Clock Manager) and BUFGMUXs ( global clock MUX buffer) and manually building up a proper clock circuit, the interference to timing caused by clock skew is mostly reduced. 通过合理使用DCM(数字时钟管理单元)和BUFG-MUX(全局时钟选择缓冲器)等FPGA的特殊资源,手动搭建时钟电路,可以尽可能地减少时钟偏差对电路时序的影响。
Extensible global buffer management for DBMS threads 多线索DBMS中的全局缓冲管理
This paper describes the global buffer management in a multithreading DBMS kernel. 本文介绍了在一个多线索化DBMS核心中的全局共享缓冲管理。
The data in the sending buffer is sorted by global transaction, site and SQL order; and the data in the receiving buffer is stored as the same order and is packed to execute under the basic unit the sub-transaction of the physical site. 对于发送缓冲,它以事务、节点和SQL语序的顺序排序并传输,接收缓冲以同样的顺序存放并以子事务为基本单位执行。
The flexibility and extensibility of global buffer management make it very possible to develop various kinds of DBMS software based on this kernel. 全局缓冲管理灵活方便,具有可扩充性,适于在其基础上开发不同的多线索DBMS。
The key idea is: The uplink message and downlink message are handling separately, using global link list, buffer queue and semaphore for information exchange. 基本思想为:上下行信令分开处理,采用全局链表、缓冲队列和信号量方式进行交互。